sábado, 3 de enero de 2009

Silverlane - Legends of Safar (2005)

Silverlane members (Click to see larger picture) Silverlane


1. From Ashes to Glory 01:12
2. First Chapter 04:38
3. Hymn of Safar 04:58
4. March of the Lorocs 06:17
5. The Call 04:32

6. Legend 04:15
7. Battle of Ibraan 04:34
8. Agony of Death 04:22

9. Shadowride 04:24
10. Ray of Eternity 04:01
11. My Way to Keah 06:19
12. Can't See the Sun 05:07
13. Wisdom Lord 14:56

Para ver las letras:

Para descargar: http://www.zshare.net/download/535709793f4ea3e1/

Pass: No Pass

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